Basic Release Form (Individual to Attorney-in-Fact)

Form Description: When you want to document the end of an obligation you need a release. Whether it's a liability release, such as an agreement not to sue for damages, or the release of a claim or lien, our basic release form is the place to start. Make sure to check the applicable laws to make sure you are using the right release form. This basic release form includes the name of each party, a description of the original claim or liability that is being released, and contact information and signature for each party. This version is designed for an agreement between a private individual and an individual acting under Power of Attorney. This form is in full-page portrait format.

Form Orientation: Portrait orientation

Copies: 1 copy per page

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Formville's free "Basic Release Form (Individual to Attorney-in-Fact)" form is associated with the following keywords: release form, legal release, liability, contract, general release.

If you choose to download the Word version of the form, you can discover more about how to use Microsoft Word at the WordTips website.