Easy-Copy Basic Performance Evaluation

Form Description: Good staff are important to your business. So are improving their skills and performance. You can use our performance evaluation forms to help in your analyses, whether it's your annual reviews or a promotion decision. The basic evaluation form includes information at the top on the employee, the type of evaluation and the period being reviewed, the evaluator's name, and the employee's responsibilities and accomplishments. An itemized list of competencies with a simple rating scale allows for accurate qualitative measurement. Also includes information on performance on current goals, space to plan the following period's goals, and place for both employee and evaluator comments. This document is in full-page portrait format. For your convenience, this version is formatted for easy duplication.

Form Orientation: Portrait orientation

Copies: 1 copy per page

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Formville's free "Easy-Copy Basic Performance Evaluation" form is associated with the following keywords: performance evaluation, employee evaluation, human resources, employee performance review.

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