Personalized Numbered Sections and Rows Detailed Collections Record

Form Description: bdcr007 Form Description: The collections process can be confusing not just for the customer, but for you and your company as well. With this Detailed Collections Record you can easily take away some of that confusion. Not only are you able to provide a concise record of any letters that your company has sent to the customer, but also a brief record of any payments received, as well as any correspondence from the customer as well. Definitely a huge help when you are trying to get on the same page as your customer. Show the pride that you have in your company by using personalized paperwork whenever and wherever you can. A perfect example of this can be found in this version of the Detailed Collections Record. It has been created so that you can personalize it to your specific company, including all of the contact information. If there is a single drawback to keeping large amounts of information on a form, it has got to be how easy it is to get distracted and confused about what is on it. One way to combat that problem is by using a Collections Record that has numbered sections and rows. This particular edition of the form has been created with those numbered sections and rows to help you later on reference the information that you have entered onto it.

Form Orientation: Portrait orientation

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Formville's free "Personalized Numbered Sections and Rows Detailed Collections Record" form is associated with the following keywords: collections, credit, customer, record, tracking, letter, correspondence, detailed, personalized, numbered sections, numbered rows.

If you choose to download the Word version of the form, you can discover more about how to use Microsoft Word at the WordTips website.