Fancy Biweekly Work Schedule

Form Description: One of the most important aspects of running a business is letting your employees know when they need to be in for work. While you can always try to do this by shooting from the hip, that isn’t very efficient, or very fair to your employees. Instead, use this Biweekly Work Schedule to help you pass on this important information to your employees each and every two weeks. Just because you have to deal with some boring paperwork as part of your job, doesn’t mean that the paperwork itself has to look boring. Spice things up a bit with the use of this fancy edition of the Biweekly Work Schedule. You get to pass along all the same important information, but this time it doesn’t necessarily need to be all that boring. Why not take the time to show your fun side?

Form Orientation: Landscape orientation

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Formville's free "Fancy Biweekly Work Schedule" form is associated with the following keywords: Employment, biweekly, work, schedule, planning, log, employee, fancy.