Basic Daily Event Log

Form Description: Whether you work at a school, small office, or a large corporation there is a need for keeping track of the events that happen throughout the day. This Basic Daily Event Log makes the process of recording your observations easier than ever before. Space has been provided for you to make this form personalized for your company by typing in its name, address and phone number. In addition there is also space for you to type in the time and date that your shift starts and stops. After you record each event by typing it in, type in your name, print out the form and store it in a safe location. Never again will you forget when an important phone call came in or what you did after that meeting. What better way to keep your company's information straight?

Form Orientation: Portrait orientation

Copies: 1 copy per page

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Formville's free "Basic Daily Event Log" form is associated with the following keywords: log form, basic, detailed, daily events.

If you choose to download the Excel version of the form, you may want to learn more about how to use Excel. You can find lots of great information about how to use Excel at the ExcelTips website.