Notarized Termination of Contract (Attorney-in-Fact to Attorney-in-Fact)

Form Description: Sometimes, agreements don't work out. If you have a contract that both parties want to cancel, then make sure that you sign a Termination of Contract. A termination form will help provide proof that the contract was nullified, so that there are no problems or confusion later. The added security of having the Termination of Contract notarized gives you greater evidence in case of a possible legal dispute over the terminated contract. This form includes a simple statement of nullification with a description of the contract in question. At the bottom is a section for name, contact information and signatures for each party, as well as a notary's acknowledgement and signature for each party. This version is designed for an agreement between two individuals acting under Power of Attorney for others. This form is in full-page portrait format.

Form Orientation: Portrait orientation

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Formville's free "Notarized Termination of Contract (Attorney-in-Fact to Attorney-in-Fact)" form is associated with the following keywords: Contract Termination, Contracts, Legal.

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